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Using the CornerStone Toolkit Excel Plugin

The CornerStone Excel plugin provides a range of features to enhance your productivity when working with PlantUML diagrams in Excel.

Accessing the Toolkit Menu

Once you’ve installed the CornerStone Toolkit plugin, you’ll see a new tab labeled “CAS Toolit” in the Excel ribbon right after the “Home” menu item. Click on this tab to access the CornerStone Toolkit menu.

Understanding the Toolkit Menu

Here’s a brief overview of each feature:

Excel menu option
Menu description
  • Process Worksheet: This feature generates PlantUML code and the corresponding diagram for the active worksheet.
  • Process Shape: This feature generates PlantUML code for the selected shape in your worksheet.
  • Process Workbook: This feature generates PlantUML code and the corresponding diagrams for all worksheets in the active workbook.
  • Clean Images: This feature deletes all images in the selected worksheet before creating new ones.

  • Delete Generated Images: This feature deletes all images that were created in the selected worksheet.
  • Delete Generated Code: This feature deletes all code text boxes that were created in the selected worksheet.
  • Clear Data: This feature clears all step data that was used to create the diagram.

  • Gridlines: This feature toggles the visibility of gridlines in your worksheet, similar to the Excel->View->Gridlines function.

  • Clone Worksheet: This feature creates a copy of the active Excel worksheet.
  • Clone Workbook: This feature creates a copy of the active Excel workbook.

  • Metadata Worksheet: This feature creates a list of the templates used for diagrams.

  • Open Home Folder: This feature opens an explorer view on the application home folder.
  • Open Output Folder: This feature opens an explorer view on the output folder of the active worksheet.
  • Open Workbook Folder: This feature opens an explorer view on the folder which contains the workbook.
  • Generate Documentation: This feature generates webpages that merge all the diagrams into a single website.
  • Start Webserver: This feature starts the built-in webserver to view the website generated.

  • PlantUML Server: This feature sets up the PlantUML server used for generating the diagram.